Fire Equipment Inspection

Here at ECO Test and Tag we provide quality on-site fire protection services in accordance with Australian standards.

ECO Test and Tag can carry out the testing and inspection process required for portable stored pressure fire extinguishers, fire blankets, smoke alarms and fire hose reels. We can take care of the whole process from start to finish and take all the hassle out for you. We provide you with a detailed electronic report and can also provide friendly email and phone reminders as equipment approaches the retest date, if you opt to.

The Australian Standard for routine service of fire protection systems and equipment is AS 1851-2012. If you have any question regarding the requirements of this standard get in touch and will be happy to help.

We will help you meet the relevant Australian Standards within the workplace. Fire equipment inspection and tagging must be carried out in accordance to Australian standards outlined in AS/NZS 1851, by a competent, trained person. The inspection process for fire equipment in the workplace involves inspecting then stamping and logging the results of the inspection of fire equipment. Testing and tagging to the Australian standards helps to ensure fire safety equipment will be ready in the event of a fire emergency.  ECO Test and Tag can carry out the testing and inspection process from start to finish and take all the hassle out for you. We provide you with detailed electronic reports and can provide courtesy email and phone reminders when your equipment approaches the re-test date.

Here at ECO Test and Tag we supply a full range of high quality fire equipment manufactured by FlameStop Australia.